Home Remedies for Toothaches

Are you having trouble with a continuous toothache? This type of pain can interfere with your day to day tasks and overall mood. The good news is that there are some at home remedies you can implement to alleviate the pain if your toothache is mild.

Keep in mind that if you have a severe toothache, or your toothache lasts more than three days, you should contact your dentist in Redlands and schedule an appointment to identify the underlying cause. Identifying and addressing the source of the pain allows you and your Redlands dentist to effectively alleviate the symptoms you are feeling, usually for good.

The symptoms of a toothache generally include:

  • Pain
  • Sensitivity to food or drink
  • General discomfort in the mouth near infected tooth when eating or drinking
  • Inflammation of gums surrounding tooth

Whether its drinking, eating, talking or smiling, we use our mouths continuously throughout the day, for practically everything we do. Because of this, an ongoing toothache can really affect one’s quality of life. As a caring dental practice in Redlands, Dr. Kim and the team want to help. If you are experiencing the above symptoms, keep reading, because we have some at-home remedies to help alleviate your toothache! Remember, if the pain is severe and has lasted three days or longer, you should give us a call. In the meantime, try out these at-home remedies.

  • Rinse your mouth with a hydrogen peroxide mix

Hydrogen peroxide is a compound that helps kill any harmful bacteria that could be the cause of (or worsen) your toothache. Hydrogen peroxide also helps reduce inflammation, which could help alleviate pain.

To make the mix, take equal parts water to the hydrogen peroxide in order to dilute the compound. Swish this around in your mouth as you would with regular mouth wash for thirty seconds to a minute. It’s important to not swallow any of this mixture, be sure to spit it out after swishing. Repeat this two-to-three times a day.

  • Gargle with warm saltwater
    Saltwater is a natural disinfectant. The mixture of warm saltwater reduces inflammation by killing germs that could be causing your pain. This home remedy for toothaches will probably be most readily available as salt is a common household item.

Simply mix a half a cup of warm water with a one-third teaspoon of sea salt. Stir the mixture until the salt partially dissolves in the warm water. Finally, swish this mixture around in your mouth for thirty seconds or longer. Also lean back and gargle with the salt mixture to kill bacteria in your throat. You can repeat this three-to-four times a day for the best results.

  • Apply ice on your cheek near the area

Cold temperatures are effective in reducing swelling and pain. The cold pack works by reducing the size of the blood vessels in the infected area which reduces inflammation. Reducing inflammation therefore reduces pain.

Simply wrap ice in a towel and place it to your cheek near the sore tooth. It’s important to remove the ice pack every five minutes, for two minutes, before repeating to avoid irritating the skin. After a few times, give the area a break. Repeat this method every few hours daily until you are able to visit your dentist in Redlands.

  • Apply Clove oil on the sore area/soft tissue surrounding the tooth

Clove oil is a century-old home remedy for toothache used to dull the pain. Rumor has it that this natural home remedy for toothache is often just as effective as an over the counter antiseptic.

You should first wash your hands to kill any bacteria you could have on your fingers. Once your hands are clean, put a small amount of clove oil on a cotton ball or your finger and apply it to the sore area. You can do this twice a day after meals.

  • Apply a peppermint tea bag to the sore area in the mouth

Another natural home remedy for toothaches involves a peppermint tea bag. This household item can help numb and soothe the pain of a toothache. Start by resting the tea bag in a cup of hot water for about two minutes, then, remove it from the water and allow it to cool down. Put the bag in the freezer for an extra soothing effect. You can then apply the frozen tea bag to the sore area on your gum to help numb and soothe the pain.

With these home remedies for toothaches you can certainly soothe and even heal a mild toothache. While ongoing toothaches are often a sign of underlying oral-health issues, such as an infection, tooth decay, and cavities, we will again stress how important it is to alert your dentist in Redlands when symptoms occur continuously. You must also remember the importance of regular dental checkups and cleanings with Dr. Kim to ensure the prevention of said oral health issues.

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